• In memory of Dr. Erwin False

    Today we celebrate the birthday of computer scientist Erwin False, computer science, innovator, and collaborator with George Boole in the invention of what we now call Boolean Algebra.

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  • Numberwang (all videos)

    That’s Numberwang!

    I’m not going to try to explain.

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  • Should I run for Governor?

    Here’s my thinking…

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  • A Star Wars Episode I memory

    With the 9th and finalchapter of Star Wars arriving, here’s a memory from when I saw the premier of Star Wars: Episode I, the Phantom Menace.

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  • Million Dollar Computer-Controlled Drilling Machines

    When I was in 8th grade I got a job working for a small company that was a reseller of electronic drilling and measuring equipment. I was just the office boy… mostly doing paperwork, shipping, and occasional data-entry.

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  • Fax Machines Arent Magic

    I can’t believe my health insurance makes me fax certain forms. What year is this?

    Well, anyway… that reminds me of something that happened to me many years ago back when fax machines were more common.

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  • Cryptographic Hashes

    Q: How do cryptographic hashes like MD5 and SHA work?

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  • Safety Third!

    A few years ago I saw a group of guys with jackets that all had a patch that said, “Safety Third”.

    I thought it was hilarious. I’ve heard the phrase “Safety First” since I can remember and this seemed hilariously contrarian.

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Tom Limoncelli

Tom Limoncelli

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